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Кога ви е необходима ERP система?

  • По-трудно упражнявате контрол над бизнеса си, защото данните ви са разпръснати в несвързани помежду си системи.
  • Налага се да взимате бързи решения, но ви липсват инструменти за събиране и анализиране на информацията в реално време.
  • Разходите за допуснатите грешки се увеличават със смущаващи темпове.
  • Губят ви се документи, данни се дублират, защото документацията ви се събира в различни програми.
  • Темпът на растеж на вашия бизнес се забавя.

Дори ако в момента не мислите, че имате нужда от ERP, но планирате да развивате бизнеса си, много по-лесно е да поставите основата сега, отколкото да се опитвате да внедрите ERP, когато кашата се задълбочи.

SAP Business One - Нищо не може да ни спре!

SAP Business One SAP Business One is integrated ERP business management solution, affordable and easy to use, designed specifically for small and medium enterprises.
SAP Business One е решение, което оптимизира ключови процеси – от счетоводство и CRM, до управление на складовите запаси и веригата за покупки и продажби. Всички ключови бизнес области са интегрирани, за да осигурят ясна видимост за целия бизнес. Чрез организиране на данните в едно централизирано място, се осигурява достъп до критична информация в реално време за вземане на бързи и информирани решения.
SAP Business One е надеждно и доказано решение, чиято функционалност спомага за трансформиране на бизнеса чрез използване на информация – за да се увеличи ефективността на работата, за достигане до нови клиенти и за постигане на печеливш растеж.
SAP Business One enjoys the trust of more than 50 000 companies in 150 countries.

Имате ли нужда от ERP? Направете тест и проверете сега!

Why choose SAP Business One

  • You get complete control over business processes, consistent with the best practices in the management of small and medium enterprises in Europe and North America.
  • The solution easily integrates with the ERP systems of foreign companies, which is important for foreign investors and partners, therefore becoming your competitive advantage in international markets.
  • SAP Business One includes a rich toolkit for collecting statistics and real-time analysis.
  • With SAP Business One, all documentation is collected in one program, which eliminates the possibility of losing documents and information.
  • The product is tailored to the specifics of your business and is offered at an affordable final price.
  • Георги Ласин
    Georgi LasinGeorgi Lasin, Technology Manager, Frodexim Trade LLC

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    "“SAP Business One help us to achieve high goals with the appropriate efforts of the integrators. I would recommend it to companies, aiming to automate processes, expand their business, and improve customer service. ”

    View more
  • Нели Ваньова
    Nelly Stancheva-VanyovaAdministrative Director, IOW Bulgaria Ltd,, part of Axel Johnson International

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    "For us, SAP Business One is a new generation system that allows us to use the monitoring of critical success factors and key performance indicators, to be more accurate in planning, to provide faster and higher quality service. Our partnership benefits the execution of our strategies and strengthening the positioning of our image.

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  • SnapDrive

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    "Snap Drive is a standard company that offers car service. The company operates 21 service stations and needs a fully integrated system that provides all the necessary views of the organization - from customer orders to service partners. The implementation of SAP Business One involves more business control and pleasure.

  • QALO

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    "QALO is an American company, a leader in the manufacture of functional wedding rings. The company chooses the SAP Business One ERP solution to achieve exponential growth in its wholesale sales, optimize its e-commerce and improve the quality and speed of its services. QALO aims to become a symbol of commitment to work by offering innovative products and first-class customer service.."
  • Pawel Kaczkowski
    Pawel KaczkowskiCIO, Dr. Freist Automotive GmbH (DFA)

    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    "Whether in production, production planning or logistics - thanks to be.as and SAP Business One, we are able to automate all sustainable core business processes that the automotive supplier can simply use to save time and money. , or to provide competitive advantages.With the help of SAP Busieness One, we have facilitated the work process for our employees, which has paid off. "