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bl. 102 Gotse Delchev Blvd. Sofia  Call: +359898770352  Email: sapb1@eltrade.com

SAP Business One

We from ELTRADE implement SAP Business One

Gain control of your business with SAP Business One management software designed to grow with you. Optimize key processes, get more information about your business and make real-time decisions so you can grow profitably.


Purchase and Sale 100
Stock Management 100
CRM 90
Production 80
Human Resources 70
Finance 100
Planning and Forecasting 100


SAP Business One modules

Accounting and financial management

Automate and streamline financial management with SAP Business One, which integrates all your accounting activities into one solution. Be prepared to reduce mistakes, improve margins and encourage better decisions.


Integrated CRM tools keep all contacts, customers, sales, services and marketing activities up to date - from campaign management, to new customer tracking, to activity history of existing customers.

Преообразувайте повече контакти в клиенти, поддържайте клиентите доволни и увеличете максимално приходите.

Sales Management

Превръщането на потенциалните клиенти в продажби е жизнената сила на прихода на вашата компания. Трябва да следите всички клиенти, за да видите потока от продажби като цяло и да управлявате организирано всяка една продажба. SAP Business One ви предоставя платформата за управление на продажбите, в която вашите екипи имат достъп до пълни и актуални данни.

Stock Management

Inventory management in multiple warehouses, in real time. SAP Business One software can help you track and record goods movements, optimize their levels, improve on-time delivery, and keep stock out of stock.


Find new ways to save by optimizing the entire purchase process - from planning and creating orders to choosing a supplier, invoicing and payment.

Reports and analysis

Get answers to the most pressing questions in real time - with quick and easy access to intuitive business information (BI), analysis and reporting. Report and analyze one step ahead with SAP HANA, which enables businesses to process vast amounts of data at high speed.