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Eltrade pаrticipated at SAP NOW forum

Eltrade pаrticipated at SAP NOW forum
18.10.2019 Administrator
Снимка от щанд на ELTRADE с екип от две жени и един мъж

"Technology through experience" - under this motto on October 17, 2019 was held SAP NOW - SAP Technology Innovation Forum. With this event the world leader in software products celebrate the twentieth anniversary of entering the Bulgarian market.

Why is the future of business in feelings? This and many other questions related to the customer experience were answered by experts from various fields of business. They shared their vision and experience, presenting the latest trends in technology, new business models and the digital transformation that is happening here and now.

As an SAP partner, Eltrade attended the forum with a company booth. Presenting the ERP solution for small and medium business SAP Business One, which has already been approved according to the requirements of Regulation H-18, we made new contacts and professional meetings.




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