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bl. 102 Gotse Delchev Blvd. Sofia  Call: +359898770352  Email: sapb1@eltrade.com

Consulting services

The successful implementation of an ERP system and the subsequent development and upgrading presuppose specific knowledge in various fields. Eltrade's team of specialists for SAP Business One can be useful in the following areas:

  • modeling business processes according to your needs - ERP systems recreate the real processes in the organization with the help of software, hardware and communication tools and tools. The better the different processes and the connections between them are described, the faster the system will be implemented and then work in the expected way;
  • project management - ensuring the planned implementation within the envisaged deadlines and budgets;
  • construction of information infrastructure (software, hardware and communications) - selection of an optimal combination of products that provides the necessary functionality at optimal costs for purchase and maintenance
  • installation, setup and commissioning of SAP Business One;
  • integration with other IT systems - each ERP system often requires integration with a web site or other type of platforms for automatic data exchange between them;
  • optimization of the system - by monitoring the work in real conditions and analysis of the accumulated historical information, areas for improvement and specific measures for implementation can be defined;
  • system development - adding functions or whole new modules that are needed to reflect changes in the way the organization works.
  • Trainings - for entire work with SAP Business One or by roles

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