An urgent need for ERP (3-5 points)
Not only are you ready for ERP, but your company would find it difficult to continue to grow and be competitive without it. The lack of proper business management software complicates your daily business operations and processes, thus literally preventing the company from moving forward.
The ideal time for ERP (1-2 points)
You are in that stage of business development in which the implementation of an ERP system would be just in time. Your growth is still not ahead of the maturity of the company's processes, and the implementation of a business management system would have a positive impact on the results of the organization.
Too early for ERP (0 points)
You seem to be doing great in running your business so far. The investment in ERP system at this stage would be rushed, but the time is right to start getting acquainted with the functionalities and benefits of business management software to be ready when the time comes.
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You have all the factors to be successful ERP project (5 points)
Вие сте напълно наясно какво означава ERP проект и какво е необходимо за успешната му реализация. Ясната визия и стратегия, разбирането и наличието на подкрепа от страна на ръководството на компанията, както и реалистичната представа за бюджета и възвръщаемостта на инвестицията, ще ви гарантират предимствата от едно успешно ERP внедряване. Смело напред!
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On a scale (2-4 points)
Implementing an ERP system is not an easy task. If you have the budget for the implementation, but you don't have the people or you include the wrong people in the team, the chances of success are drastically reduced. The fastest and easiest way to implement an ERP system is to do it from the first attempt. That's why you need to work a little more on fully securing the necessary resources – from defining clear project goals, securing the processes, people and budget, to making the tough decisions when necessary.
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Doomed to fail (0-1 points)
Unfortunately, the lack of resources during the implementation of an ERP project does not lead to a working information solution, despite the efforts and desire of the teams. If you don't have the necessary budget or commitment from management and employees, no business management system could function successfully.
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*The results of the tests are indicative in nature and do not claim to be diagnostics carried out by a business consultant.