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Тест! Готови ли сте за ERP?

Тест! Готови ли сте за ERP?
16.01.2020 Administrator

Answer a few questions to find out if the time has come
your business to implement ERP system?


  1. Is your business growing faster than expected?
    • Yes (1 points)
    • No (0 points)
  1. Do you have enough information about the real results that the company achieves?
    • Yes (0 points)
    • No (1points)
  2. Does it take you too long to find the right information / generate relevant reports?
    • Yes (1 points)
    • No (0 points)
  3. Do the stock in the warehouse meet the real needs of the demand?
    • Yes (0 points)
    • No (1points)
  4. Are you able to forecast and plan effectively?
    • Yes (0 points)
    • No (1points)


An urgent need for ERP (3-5 points)

Not only are you ready for ERP, but your company would find it difficult to continue to grow and be competitive without it. The lack of proper business management software complicates your daily business operations and processes, thus literally preventing the company from moving forward.

Learn more about what is available SAP ERP decision corresponding to Ordinance-18: https://sapb1.bg/

Calculate an approximate price using our calculator >> HERE

Contact our consultants who will answer your questions and help you in the process of evaluation, definition of the scope and implementation of ERP >> HERE  

The ideal time for ERP (1-2 points)

You are in that stage of business development in which the implementation of an ERP system would be just in time. Your growth is still not ahead of the maturity of the company's processes, and the implementation of a business management system would have a positive impact on the results of the organization.

Learn more about what is available SAP ERP Solutioncorresponding to Ordinance-18: https://sapb1.bg/

Calculate an approximate price using our calculator >> HERE

Contact our consultants who will answer your questions and help you through the evaluation, scoping and implementation process of ERP >> HERE

Too early for ERP (0 points)

You seem to be doing great in running your business so far. The investment in ERP system at this stage would be rushed, but the time is right to start getting acquainted with the functionalities and benefits of business management software to be ready when the time comes.

Learn more about what is available SAP ERP solutioncorresponding to Ordinance-18: https://sapb1.bg/



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