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ELTRADE licenses SAP Business One under Regulation H-18

ELTRADE licenses SAP Business One under Regulation H-18
17.09.2019 Administrator
Млада жена седи на бюро, пише с едната ръка на лаптоп, а с другата говори по телефона.

As a supplier and integrator for Bulgaria, Eltrade has successfully adapted to Regulation H-18 the software for small and medium businesses SAP Business One, developed by the world leader in software applications SAP. 

Our company is the first to succeed to license a SAP product according to the changes in Regulation H-18, which introduced new requirements for software for managing fiscal devices in retail.

We remind that according to the new regulation, all retail outlets that use cash on sales must bring it in line with regulatory requirements, and after the deadline the software must run all fiscal devices in the retail outlet.



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