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A complete solution for business growth

A complete solution for business growth
20.08.2019 Administrator

How SAP Business One provides small and medium-sized businesses with a better chance to enter the market

Timely and reliable information is the basis for successful management of any company. Managers are constantly faced with new urgent tasks and problems that require direct participation or coordination. Decisions need to be made faster and faster, and the cost of mistakes is rising.

Practice shows that in many companies outdated and unconnected information systems are used, as a result of which a flow of daily information, unstructured and often irrelevant, lands on the management.

How to exercise complete control over our business and make the right decisions to grow?

The answer is - by implementing SAP Business One - a business management system developed by the world leader in the sale of ERP systems SAP.

SAP Business One, whose exclusive partner for Bulgaria is Eltrade, is designed for small and medium enterprises and combines the latest technologies with their quick and easy implementation and use.

The solution optimizes key processes in the company - from accounting and CRM to supply chain management, combining the experience of thousands of successful companies. This allows the user of the system to use ready-made solutions tested by world practice.

What is SAP Business One

SAP Busines Ones One is a complete and integrated ERP solution of world class for solving the problems of small and medium business, aimed at the full integration of all processes in the company and as a result - to its growth.

SAP Business One is designed for companies that have outgrown their accounting or information systems and are looking for an integrated solution for managing their entire business.

A distinctive feature of SAP Business One is the full integration of all functional components. The solution covers almost all aspects of the business, including finance, logistics, operations, inventory, customer relationship management.

The intuitive interface provides instant access to important business data in real time so that managers can confidently make informed decisions.

What SAP Business One gives you

  • A single source of information for decision-making and control

The more your company grows, the harder it becomes to keep track of the big picture, especially when information is stored in different systems and formats and collected through separate applications. SAP Business One automatically keeps you on the wave of issues that require decisive action, through signals based on information flows.

By acting fast and making decisions based on real-time information, you can achieve better financial results, identify new development opportunities and focus resources in the most important areas.

  • Flexible a solution that adapts to the needs of your business

The time of large heavy ERP systems, developed specifically for the needs of specific industries, has passed. We are witnessing a shift to a modular principle of offering business management software, imposed by leading providers of such solutions.

Each business is unique, so SAP Business One is designed as a flexible solution that can meet the specific features and needs of the company. Depending on the capabilities, it can be deployed on the company's server or in the cloud, accessible at any time and from anywhere via a mobile device.

  • Full control over your finance

SAP Business One allows you to automate routine accounting tasks, more easily manage your relationships with banks and cash flows, track your budgets, and compare current to planned metrics to find out where your business is at a given time.

  • Tools for increasing customer loyalty

SAP Business One provides a comprehensive approach to working with potential and existing customers, allowing them to better identify their needs in order to meet them with optimal offers. In this way, you can quickly turn potential customers into real ones, increase the value of your sales and increase the overall level of customer satisfaction.

How much does SAP Business One cost?

Specially developed for small and medium companies, the system has a relatively low cost. Pricing parameters depend on a number of factors, including the type of license, the number and type of users, the form of deployment (cloud or local), maintenance, the need for training.

The company can start by using a standard minimum set of functionalities. Business growth does not require new investments in development, as the necessary tools are already included in the system. The set of settings allows you to expand its capabilities without resorting to the services of programmers.

Why choose SAP Business One

  • You get complete control over business processes, consistent with the best practices in the management of small and medium enterprises in Europe and North America.
  • The solution easily integrates with the ERP systems of foreign companies, which is important for foreign investors and partners, therefore becoming your competitive advantage in international markets.
  • SAP Business One includes a rich toolkit for collecting statistics and real-time analysis.
  • With SAP Business One, all documentation is collected in one program, which eliminates the possibility of losing documents and information.
  • The product is tailored to the specifics of your business and is offered at an affordable final price.



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